Black Moustache

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Brother and Sister

Siblings are like friends, but they are permanent. Usually brothers and sisters have a love-hate relationship. I believe that even though brothers and/or sisters constantly argue, there is a bond of leadership, love and friendship.Leadership is portrayed in each brother sister relationship.Most brother sister relationships have love. Even through all the constant rivalry, arguing and competition. You know you cannot live without them. I constantly argue with my brother, but when someone else picks on him or starts arguing with him I always stand up for him. I’m the type of person that says,” Only I can make fun of him!” What can I say? I love my brother.

My younger brother is Muhammad Amir Imran. He is 15 years-old. This year he is seating for his PT3 exam. He seems quuite struggle with his study. He loves futsal so much. As his dream to be profwssional futsaller. I used to fought a lot with him as he like to picking fight with me. sometimes, i hate him but on top of that feeling. I always missed our fight memories.

My sister, Nur Yasmin binti Kamarudin. She have curly blacky shiney hair. As her older sister quite jealous to see that as her get curl from my mum. I love her the most for she is the only girl in my siblings. We share a lots of thing, story and accesories. She used to be my best-listener among all of them. We grew up together make our bonds stronger. She likes eating just like me. Both of us love k-pop. We can enjoy k-drama till late night. Crying together. Haha its kinda funny moments to remembered. 
My brother and I 

Behind all those thing happens to me. no matter what when it comes to my sibllings. They'll come first as they're my priorities. I'll protect them no matter what as their older sister and be their role model for success in this material world. 


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