Black Moustache

Thursday 1 October 2015


Universe means unimaginably vast space which is unbounded with its dots of body's are by definition, the universe includes everything that abounds in space, and space is filled with matter which varies from the tiniest and cosmic particle to the gigantic galaxies. The universe is known to composed of many types of comparatively small and large dense Bo e.g., the galaxies, the constellations (star groups), the stars, the planets other heavenly bodies.
The totality of the heavenly bodies from grand galaxies down to the sm cosmic dust filling the endless space describes the Universe w dimension is beyond our comprehension.
There are t divergent theories on the mode of origin of the universe. These are the B Bang and the Steady State theories. According to 'Big Bang' theory universe has a finite beginning, through a tremendous explosive expansion superdense and very condensed matter. The "steady state" theory states the universe expands through a process of continuous creation of matt which (the process) remains unchanged through eternity.There are 8 types of planet in universe . Firstly is Mercury which is the nearest sun . Second is Venus . Characteristics of Venus is the second planet from the Sun, and considered in many ways to be a twin planet of Earth. It has a similar size, mass, density and gravity, as well as a very similar chemical composition . Next is Earth. Our planet (Earth) is a rotating sphere that orbits the Sun. The Earth's axis of rotation is at a constant tilt with respect to its orbit around the Sun, resulting in the change of seasons. The physical characteristics of the Earth include its size and composition. The Earth also has gravity and magnetic force fields.Earth where living thing live. Futhermore , Mars . Mars is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere, having surface features reminiscent both of the impact craters of the Moon and the volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and polar ice caps of Earth.Nevertheless , Jupiter which is place on center where all the planet stand.Jupiter is composed primarily of gaseous and liquid matter. It is the largest of the four giant planets in the Solar System and hence its largest planet. It has adiameter of 142,984 km (88,846 mi) at its equator.Saturn is third last planet . Its have a ring between the glob . Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn was the Roman name for Cronus, the lord of the Titans in Greek mythology. Saturn is the root of the English word "Saturday."
Saturn is the farthest planet from Earth visible to the naked human eye, but it is through a telescope that the planet's most outstanding features can be seen: Saturn's rings. Although the other gas giants in the solar system — Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune — also have rings, those of Saturn are without a doubt the most extraordinary.
Uranus ,  the planet is often dubbed an ice giant, since 80 percent or more of its mass is made up of a fluid mix of water, methane, and ammonia ices. Unlike the other planets of the solar system, Uranus is tilted so far that it essentially orbits the sun on its side, with the axis of its spin nearly pointing at the star.Last planet is Neptune . Neptune , despite being smaller than Uranus, Neptune has a greater mass. Below its heavy atmosphere, Uranus is made of layers of hydrogen, helium, and methane gases. They enclose a layer of water, ammonia and methane ice. The inner core of the planet is made of rock.
     What is meteor ? The word meteor comes from the Greek word meteoron, which means "a thing in the sky." . Larger meteors are sometimes broken off pieces from an asteroid and according to ancient times, objects flying through the night sky are a major controversy.
When meteors fly through the atmosphere, they become heated up to more than 3000 degrees Fahrenheit in that causes them to glow ( While many have the impression that friction causes heat, they are incorrect in the fact that heat is produced when air is compressed in front of the meteor. Sometimes the intense heat vaporizes the meteors creating a shooting star.
Composition, speed, and the angle of entry are three characteristics that decide whether the meteor will break or hold together. A meteor coming at an intense speed and an oblique angle suffers tremendous stress ( A meteor made of iron (91% iron, 8.5% Nickel and 0.6 Cobalt) can hold its shape easier than one created by stone (36% Oxygen, 26% Iron, 18%Silicon, 14%Magnesium, 1.5% Aluminum, 1.4 Nickel and 1.3% Calcium). Iron would eventually crumble due to the atmosphere becoming less dense five to seven miles above the ground.
Planet Ranking in Solar System

The Meteor

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Money is the root of all evil

What is money? I bet that everyone knows "money" very well. In short, money is the medium in a trade. Yes, money is nothing but only a medium in a trade. Hence, I totally disagree that money is the root of all evil. Money itself is not an evil, it is harmless. In fact, evil comes from money users, that is, we, human beings!

    It is universally acknowledged that we all need money, some people to live, others to survive. Some of us agree that money is a good friend when one knows to "treat" it. However, there are those who think it is the evil among us. Nevertheless, it must be said that money is not a bad thing, it basically depends on how people use it and, above all, establishing the difference between necessity and avarice.

First of all, some people have clear thoughts about life and morals, for this reason it is as clear as the water what money is mainly for. This kind of people, with principles and good behaviour, look at money as a friend, as a necessity, and use it for good reasons such as education, health, in-future activities and emergencies.

On the other hand, there are some people, believe it or not, that think money is the only one most important thing in the whole world and they would do anything for it. Owing to these "human beings" such as murderers, smugglers, drug dealers, gunmen, etc. is why money is similar to devil. Nevertheless, let's think about this : When there is a murder, who is wanted? Money or a person/group of people?. We all know what the answer is, a specific person is the only one wanted for any crime, no money.

In conclusion, we all need money for everything; nonetheless, when money controls us, our life gets out of control, it rules our lives. Therefore, our actions give the real meaning for money, not itself. 

Money , money , money !

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Brother and Sister

Siblings are like friends, but they are permanent. Usually brothers and sisters have a love-hate relationship. I believe that even though brothers and/or sisters constantly argue, there is a bond of leadership, love and friendship.Leadership is portrayed in each brother sister relationship.Most brother sister relationships have love. Even through all the constant rivalry, arguing and competition. You know you cannot live without them. I constantly argue with my brother, but when someone else picks on him or starts arguing with him I always stand up for him. I’m the type of person that says,” Only I can make fun of him!” What can I say? I love my brother.

My younger brother is Muhammad Amir Imran. He is 15 years-old. This year he is seating for his PT3 exam. He seems quuite struggle with his study. He loves futsal so much. As his dream to be profwssional futsaller. I used to fought a lot with him as he like to picking fight with me. sometimes, i hate him but on top of that feeling. I always missed our fight memories.

My sister, Nur Yasmin binti Kamarudin. She have curly blacky shiney hair. As her older sister quite jealous to see that as her get curl from my mum. I love her the most for she is the only girl in my siblings. We share a lots of thing, story and accesories. She used to be my best-listener among all of them. We grew up together make our bonds stronger. She likes eating just like me. Both of us love k-pop. We can enjoy k-drama till late night. Crying together. Haha its kinda funny moments to remembered. 
My brother and I 

Behind all those thing happens to me. no matter what when it comes to my sibllings. They'll come first as they're my priorities. I'll protect them no matter what as their older sister and be their role model for success in this material world. 


Sunday 6 September 2015

Fasting Month ( Ramadhan ) and Me

   Ramadan holds a unique position in the hearts and minds of our community. It is a special time of the year where the blessings of Allah are abundantly bestowed upon the believers. The whole community fasts with such enthusiasm that any outsider would think that they are nuts! Every evening, the mosques across the world are packed with Muslims listening to the Quran in the Special Tarawih prayer.

favourite food

      My first Ramadan was very fantastic because I celebrated with my new friends in new state,Kuantan. It was really hard for being apart with my family. But on the positive sides, I met new people. I tried hard to blend with all these new thing. I manage to control my temper and all my bad behaviour. What important is, my level of calmness increase in this beautiful ramadan month because we had our orientation day during that month. Its kinda hectic and challenging for me to be honest. I like the surroundings here. I had new food during my fasting month such as Nasi Kerabu, chicken born and budu. Budu is really a freaking taste i've ever had. Taste nice actually. Time orientation day, we break the fast together in college co-facilitator and friends orientation. Quite reduce my homesick towards my family. A beautiful memories to be remembered. In Kuantan there is these place called "Padang MPK." My friens and I break our first fast as a group over there, It was a new experience for me because i didn't had a chance to do that back in Penang. In Penang we didn't have a special "padang" to break our fast. There were a lots of people came there. The field was very crowded with people from various races.

   Ramadan is about getting things that we can't see but can perceive with our hearts and minds. It's also about giving from that which we love and hold dear and thinking about those that are less fortunate than us. Fasting is a spiritual exercise that has disappeared from many religious practices the world over. However, God almighty commanded his prophets to fast and every prophet and their community would fast - this in itself should be a lesson for us all.

If I Am A Superheros

Superman is the greatest superheros all the time. He has been a part of popular culture for over seventy years now and still adults and kids love him and what he stand for. Each day many people from all a round the world prove to be heroes in one form or another.
of superheroes have special abilities that an average human being can’t do stuff for example flying, stretching, etc. Choosing a superhero ability is a very hard thing to do because of the large variety but if I were a superhero, I would want to have the mind-reading ability.

The Heroes

   I would want that specific ability because no matter how strong I am, I know how to control lots of stuff. If I am a superhero, I would do positive things unlike some other bad superheroes that do negative things. With the incredible mind-reading ability, I could be a judge and to help the police. I would do that so I can change the society to not lie. Moreover, in this ability i could control people and predict what can happen in future from that power i can make this world peacefully and harmonies because i will know what happen future and i can prevent it before it can happen.
           Furthermore, i will establish one group for help me to keep this world peaceful. In the team will have a people that have good personality before i take them into my team i will make a test for them, if they successful i will take them into the team and pay a hefty reward. 
 Now, every superhero has a special logo, Superman’s logo is a big S standing for Superman. Batman’s logo is a bat. Whenever someone sees a specific logo like Batman’s, they have to immediately think of Batman. If I am a superhero, I would have a big brain and a big MR on it. The brain signifies that I could read their minds and the MR stands for mind-reading. 
       In conclusion, if I am a superhero, I would help the society to have a better community and to do positive stuff. I will take the responsible to make sure that all the people feel save and be protected. I pretty sure everyone has one of the dream in their head right now. Its not false sometime we dreaming about something that can't be happen. It just imagination and it can make we feel happy and not stressful. It keep remain me about the childhood that i usually play with my friends. :")

Friday 21 August 2015


Name Of Country In Malaysia

Nowadays,people don't have the nationality spirit in their heart. They are always ignore about the government rules and all the ministers' efforts to build up Malaysia. Malaysia is a unique and a special country. It is located  in south  East Asia. The citizens are from different races and religions. So, Malaysia is known as a various races, culture and religious country.Most of them live in Peninsular Malaysia and goverment servants. Although they practise different religions, they work together and live peacefully.

  The Indepence Day is an annual celebration by the whole world but Malaysia names it as a Merdeka Day. Malaysia have 14 countries which are Kelantan, Pahang, Selangor, Kedah, Perlis, Perak, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca, Johore, Terengganu, Sabah, Sarawak, Pulau Pinang and Wilayah. All countries honour their respective indepence day, celebrating it as a national holiday. Thus, on 31 August every year, it is marked as the Malaysian Independence Day. Howewer, there are lot difference of celebrating the Independence Day on 31August and today in terms of spirit and technology.

  On 31stAugust every year, we as Malaysians celebrate the National Day. A lot of people enjoy celebrating the National Day. We enjoy singing the National Songs, decorating our classroom, watching the countdown concert, counting down time to the midnight and watch the parade on National Day. But when we do all those things, do we feel anything or we just only celebrate without understanding with any feeling ?? Don't you atleast feel proud being a Malaysian?? At least we should , must APPRECIATE living here in Malaysia. There are a lot of reason why we should appreciate it!
Beautiful Of  Malaysia

 We have to remember that everything we have is given to us by God. We should appreciate even the smallest thing that God gave us. Having good health with a happy family and peaceful environment. All this we have to appreciate because God can take it back from us anytime. We should never take for granted of anything that God has given to us. When we learn to appreciate things, we will live happily because we realize that the world is not a bad place after all.

 Going back to our topic ' MALAYSIA', We will realize that how lucky we are live here in Malaysia. Soon, we will realize that Malaysia is not a bad country after all. We are living with peace and harmony without worrying about any serious problems that happen in this countries.We can get easily get education food, water and shelter. And we must not forget the technologies that we are using which are the same of even better than other countries around the world such as HandPhone.

  There are varieties of food in Malaysia. The Malay traditional food are very sweet. For example, the layer cake is made of sugar, flour and other ingredients. The Chinese like to eat herbal soup, mixed vegetables , vegetable dalca, which blends well with briyani rice and lentil soup. I LOVE my country so much and I  am proud to be a Malaysian.
Prime Minister Of Malaysia : Dato' Sri Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak

Sunday 16 August 2015

My pet



   In our lives, some people need pet as their ‘friends’. For me, I choose rabbit as my pet rabbit. My rabbit named Combi. It has a pair of blue round eyes. Usually, at night in the dark it’s eyes will blazed red. It has two pairs of bright pink paws and light pink nose. Combi loves it when I pat him on his back.
                     Yesterday, I met again with the veterinarian. Before, he advised me to put Combi on a good diet. Combi seems overweight. He does not like to eat too much, I think Combi just lacks of exercises. Combi spends most of his time in my house. So, he seriously lack of exercises. Even if I put him outsides the house, he will just stay there, in front of the doorstep, not going anywhere. What makes me worry when Combi is outside the house is, there are too many stray rabbit around my neighborhood. They will fight with Combi which is very defensive. Combi will just run away and might end up falling down into the drain. Now, he has changed. This is just because his past experience for the first time in my hometown.
                      Few months ago, my family and I went back to my hometown. We decided to bring Combi too since he never stayed with anyone before besides us. We started our journey early in the morning to avoid traffic jam. He was quite nervous when the car started to move. Then, he slowly adapted with the long journey in the car. I rolled down the window so that he can enjoy the morning breezes.
                      Once we arrived at my father’s hometown, Combi ran excitedly out of the car. My grandmother also has two pet rabbits. Combigets along with them very well.  At night, he slept together with us very quietly. Maybe he is too exhausted with the long journey in a moving car. The next day, we went to my mother’s hometown which is 45 minutes away from my father’s. The house was surrounded by durian’s orchard. 
                      Unfortunately, in the next morning, we realized that Combi was missing. We went into the orchard to find him. I am very scared of what will happen to him. On the evening, we had to leave for my father’s hometown back, but we still did not find Combi. My uncle promised me that he will sent Combi back if he find it. So we just left there with heavy steps.
                       I had to spend another night in my father’s hometown before we headed back to KT. Suddenly, around 3 in the morning, I heard Rabbit’s voice. He then appeared in front of my eyes. I stared in disbelief. I was very overwhelmed when I saw Rabbit. My uncle kept his promise! I called my uncle to thanks him. Now, my rabbit is very healthy. He loves to go for a walk unlike before. I think it is from his experience, lost in the orchard!

" Dont treat animal as animals . Treat them as living being . That's what they are "